My tomatoes (or at least 3 or 4 out of the 6) are starting to kick into gear. Yesterday was pretty humid and not so hot (78) that my fans and evaporative cooler couldn't cool things down a bit. I ordered some aluminet shade cloth which I'll have to cut to size and put in grommets to fasten it to the greenhouse. It's a 50% shade factor so hopefully it'll help me keep the temps down on the 95 degree days this summer. I also for the first time really opened all the windows that I could. Here is a pic with all the windows open.

A view from the window looking in:

A few tomato plants. The one to the left is a brandywine. It already has the beginnings of flowers.

Here are my melon plants. As you can see I've already hooked them up to the ceiling to train them straight up. They already have flowers on them.

Here are my peppers plants. The one on the left is a blockbuster hybrid (bell pepper) and the one on the right is a jalopeno plant.