Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Melons Reach the Top

I'm done with Law school for good, which is good because it was really getting in the way of my greenhouse and garden activities. Spending time working with plants is a great stress reliever. I especially enjoy training and pruning the plants. I've also cloned a few of the tomato plants and the melon plants, though the latter have not yet rooted (pics forthcoming for the clones in another point!). I'm pretty stoked about the amount of growth that has occurred in the last couple weeks. For one thing, the melon plants have fruited, and I've pruned off all but 3 or 4 melons on each plant. Here is what they looked like a few days ago:

And like I said they have reached the top. This is what they looked like tonight.

Here you see how much they've already grown since hitting the roof. The question is, do I train them along the roof, or is it better for the melon production (not to mention other sun-loving plants in the greenhouse) that I just prune off the end of the vine and work with what I have? I am unsure about the correct course of action. :(

Of course the tomatoes are also doing well. The tallest plants are 38 inches at this point.

This is the biggest tomato so far. It's from a brandywine and it's about 3 inches in diameter right now.

From my Napa Grape plant:

Here is my jalopeno plant (center).

Here are my english cucumber plants. I planted these later than the tomatoes to ensure that the tomatoes would be in full swing when the cucumbers were ready. OH YUM.